Thursday, May 21, 2009

Can Cats Really Get AIDS?

I am sure that by now most people know that humans can contract the AIDS virus. However, did you know that cats can get feline AIDS?

I know what you are thinking. Can Cats contract AIDS from humans? Or humans contract AIDS from Cats? No, fortunately it is not passed from humans to cats or vice-versa. But cats contract it from other cats. How does it happen?

Well it comes in 3 stages: First stage is when cats are outdoors and they come into contact with another cat who has it. The most common means of transmission is being bit by an infected cat, or through saliva or blood. Signs of the first stage is Fever, swollen lymph nodes, diarrhea and anemia.

Feline AIDS can only be detected through a blood test at the veterinarian's office. In the second stage of the disease symptoms are virtually non-existant and cats can live long healthy lives this way for a long time with proper diet and regular vet check-ups.

It is the 3rd stage which is most traumatic to the cat and to their owners as well. In this 3rd stage they can develop sores or ulcers in their mouths making it almost impossible to eat. Eventually these sores will develop in the stomach and the cat will be in extreme pain. In the very last stage before death, their kidneys and other vital organs will shut down putting them into an unconscious state and then they die.

If you don't want your cat to contract this horrible disease, please keep them indoors. Your cat will truly thank you and they will live a healthier and longer life.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Fun Cat Facts

Cats have a regal attitude and deal with us only when they choose to and then only on their terms. But yet we continue to love them and give them affection. But on the other hand, cats have a sixth sense about them because have you ever noticed that when you are feeling sad or lonely, your cat will come rub up against your face or lick your hand? That is their way of saying "It's okay, I love you."

In Ancient Egypt, they considered cats to be Gods. They had such deep respect for the cat that when one died, the family went into a period of mourning- almost as if they had just lost a child. For those of us who have lost a cat, it is just like losing a child. To show their grief to the world, the sad Egyptian family would shave off their eyebrows. So the next time you see someone with their eyebrows shaved off, they must have just lost a cat.

During the Dark Ages, cats were first believed to be the servants of devils and witches. Cats were hunted down and destroyed during the era of the Black Plague. The cat nearly became extinct in Europe. I say why not hunt down the people? Perhaps if cats were allowed to live, then the cats could have destroyed the rats carrying the Black Plague thus saving thousands of lives. Way To Go!!!!

Nearly 10% of a cat's bones are in their tails. The cat's body contains 245 bones which is more than a human's bones of 216. But as cats grow older, some of their bones fuse together and the number becomes smaller.

Cats are known by many names such as feline, tabby, tomcat, tom, and kitten but what about grimalkin and gib? What is that supposed to mean you ask? A grimalkin is an old female cat and a gib is a name given to a neutered male cat. Can you imagine giving an elderly woman a nickname for being an elderly female? Or perhaps a nickname for a sterilized man? They would be insulted. Don't you think your cat would be insulted too?

Why do cats have nine lives? Historians say it is because the number nine has been a mystical and religious symbol for centuries. So then if that is true then why don't cats live if they have been hit by a car? Or maybe they could survive diseases like cancer if they hadn't used up all of their nine lives, right? Unfortunately hardly likely. Wouldn't you love to have nine lives too?

Are you looking to adopt a cat? Please visit your nearest shelter before it is too late for our wonderful kitty pals.